Sunday, January 17, 2010

New owners restart 'Editor & Publisher'

Duncan McIntosh Co. Inc., an Irvine, Calif., magazine and newspaper publisher, bought media trade magazine Editor & Publisher from the Nielsen Co. late Thursday afternoon and quickly resumed reporting online.
"We're going to continue to be the main information source, the main idea source for the newspaper industry, with the realization of course that other media sources can provide inspiration and innovation for our industry during this time of transition for newspapers," said Mark Fitzgerald, who was named as E&P 's editor Thursday. "We're all very excited around here about the news."

A new print issue of the magazine will be available in February and continue monthly after that. Posting on its two blogs, Fitz & Jen Give You The Business at, and The E&P Pub at, restarted Friday, he said.

Fitzgerald previously was the magazine's editor at large and, in his new role, will replace Greg Mitchell who has left the publication. Charles McKeown will continue on as publisher, and the 5-person newsroom staff will remain in place, with the exception of Mitchell, Fitzgerald said.

Terms of the transaction were not disclosed to the newsroom staff or the public, he said.

Nielsen officially closed Editor & Publisher on New Year's Eve after announcing in early December that the magazine would cease publication. Duncan McIntosh Co. Inc. is also publisher of several boating magazines and newspapers.

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