Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nashville councilwoman faces ethics complaint

A Nashville resident filed an ethics complaint against Metro Councilwoman Pam Murray on Monday, accusing her of using city property to fight a recall effort.
The complaint by Teri Missildine says Murray violated a Metro Charter provision prohibiting employees from using city property for personal purposes. Attached to the complaint was a two-page flier about a community breakfast Murray held Saturday. The second page of the flier listed Murray's qualifications and successes and urged readers, "DO NOT SIGN THE PETITION!"

Jamie Hollin, a leader of the recall effort, said Murray had the fliers printed at the council office. Hollin started working more than two weeks ago to gather enough signatures to force a recall election.

Murray, who represents part of East Nashville, denied the accusation, saying she printed and copied the piece at Kinko's and would be able to prove it.

"Everything they're trying is not working, so they keep falsifying information," she said of her critics.

Jon Cooper, the council's attorney and staff director, declined to comment while the case is open.

The Metro Law Department will investigate the complaint and provide a written report within 14 days of receiving it. The council's board of conduct then will decide whether to hold a hearing or dismiss the complaint.

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